Stealing a package off a front porch will become a felony in Pennsylvania in 2024.
“With online shopping being a growing commerce method, package thefts have been on the rise nationwide. It’s time to hold these thieves accountable,” State Sen. Frank Farry said.
Senate Bill 527 – now Act 41 of 2023 – implements and increases penalties for mail theft, including a package, bag or letter. Mail theft was charged under other theft offenses based solely on the value of the item taken. Pennsylvania now joins eight other states that have already made porch pirating a felony (Texas, New Jersey, Michigan, Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arkansas.)
“This bill focuses on repeat offenders by using a grading system that would increase the penalties if the thief had prior convictions for theft of mail,” State Sen. Frank Farry said.
Stealing items delivered by the United States Postal Service is already a federal crime, but this state law applies to all mail deliveries, including from private company companies like Amazon, UPS, and FedEx. It will also allow for local prosecution.