The Consequences of Making Online Threats in Pennsylvania
It seems like a day does not go by without news of an online threat of one kind or another, especially bomb threats to our schools. In...
The Consequences of Making Online Threats in Pennsylvania
Falsely Accused of Shoplifting? Understanding Shopkeeper's Privilege in Pennsylvania
Marking Your Property for Trespassers: The Purple Paint Law
Can Someone Take Intimate Pictures of you Without Your Consent?
Porch Pirate Crackdown in Pennsylvania
Should I Talk to the Police Without First Speaking to an Attorney?
DUI: Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program
DUI: You Really Cannot Afford It
Your Right to Take Video and Photographs
Someone Served You With a Subpoena to Testify – Now What?
What Is Hearsay Evidence?
Fiffik Law Group Client Saved from Prison Time and Deportation After Years of False Accusations