Starting January 3rd, 2023, Pennsylvania Turnpike drivers could have their vehicle registration suspended if they have four or more unpaid tolls or if they have over $250 in unpaid dues. The statute of limitations for unpaid toll invoices will also be extended from three to five years.
Governor Tom Wolf signed this bill into law in an effort to collect more unpaid tolls on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. With these new criteria, the Turnpike estimates that 25,000 more drivers’ vehicle registrations will qualify for suspension.
If your vehicle registration is suspended, you cannot drive your vehicle or let anyone else drive your vehicle. The traffic violation for driving with a suspended registration is entitled "Operation Following Suspension of Registration” under Section 1371(a) of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code.
The penalties for a Suspended Registration violation are found at Sections 1371(b) and 1532(b)(4) of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code. They may include:
A mandatory 3-month driver’s license suspension;
A fine ranging from $100 to $500, not including court costs;
The violation is recorded to your Pennsylvania Certified Driver’s History;
A possible increase in insurance rates
$104.9 million worth of tolls went uncollected between June 2020 and May 2021, according to a report from the auditor general. The Turnpike’s total debt is $13.2 billion, which is larger than the entire state of Pennsylvania’s debt of $11 billion.
If you believe you have unpaid tolls, contact the PA Turnpike's Customer Service Center at 1-877-736-6727 or visit their website.
If you are facing vehicle registration suspension or other legal issues related to driving, contact the experienced attorneys at Fiffik Law Group today.